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Lundy, Wilson only candidates at Sierra Club gubernatorial forum – American Press



www.americanpress.com – Emily Burleigh – 2023-09-23 09:54:47

SUMMARY: The Sierra Club Delta Chapter held a gubernatorial forum focused on “kitchen-table issues” such as insurance rates and affordable housing. The only two candidates who participated were Hunter Lundy (Independent) and Shawn Wilson (D). Lundy emphasized the need for public-private partnerships to address poverty and challenged utility and energy companies for their handling of bill spikes and fees. Wilson highlighted the importance of affordable and fair housing, both in urban and rural areas, and expressed the need for better planning and infrastructure for flood mitigation and wetland protection. Both candidates addressed the insurance crisis and the backlog of infrastructure projects, with Lundy emphasizing his hands-on approach and Wilson advocating for thoughtful decision-making.

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American Press

Jim Beam column:Brumley likes propaganda videos – American Press



www.americanpress.com – Jim Beam – 2024-06-01 06:45:23

SUMMARY: In his column, Jim Beam criticizes Louisiana's Superintendent of Education, Cade Brumley, for endorsing PragerU—a nonprofit known for right-leaning, “pro-America” content—to be used in state classrooms, aligning with new “Freedom Framework” social studies standards. Critics, including educators and historians, consider PragerU's materials conservative propaganda lacking in historical accuracy. Despite this, their usage is permitted, though not mandated, by the Department of Education. Historical context is provided, drawing parallels to past efforts by superintendents to indoctrinate students with biased ideologies. Opponents of Brumley's endorsement fear it represents an attempt to rewrite history with a political agenda, compromising unbiased, fact-based education.

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American Press

Jurors take less than 30 minutes to convict Fontenot of murder – American Press



www.americanpress.com – Crystal Stevenson – 2024-05-31 18:03:31

SUMMARY: Erron Fontenot was convicted of second-degree murder in less than 30 minutes for the 2023 shooting of James Barrilleaux. Believing Barrilleaux had stolen his drill and truck keys, Fontenot shot him in the head at close range. Prosecutors highlighted Fontenot's lack of remorse and a taped confession, where he detailed the murder, his preparation by dressing in a yellow sweatshirt and white Tyvek suit, and how he disposed of evidence. Following the shooting, Fontenot evaded capture for a few hours before being found. He will remain in custody without bond until sentencing, scheduled for July 26.

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PHOTO GALLERY: Veterans Cemetery holds burial for seven unclaimed veterans – American Press



www.americanpress.com – Doris Maricle – 2024-05-31 16:06:17

SUMMARY: An Unaccompanied Veterans Memorial Service took place at the Southwest Louisiana Veterans Cemetery in Jennings, where the cremated remains of seven unaccompanied veterans were interred. Six were from Calcasieu Parish and one from St. Mary Parish. Various military personnel participated in the ceremony, including Army Sgt. Kobe Arceo and Spc. Logan Chapman, USMC Vietnam veteran Richard Morgan, and LCDR Ethan Mansel with EO,1 Sayaka Jones. They folded and presented flags as tributes to the deceased, honoring these service members who were buried without families present. The local community and fellow veterans attended to pay their respects and ensure the veterans received the honor they deserved.

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